Buying a home can be an exciting step for someone in Tennessee. Whether it’s a first-time home purchase or not, buyers of all income levels and budgets would be wise to avoid real estate mistakes that could cost them time and money. Even a minor misstep could result...
Expectations for real estate transactions in 2021
Buying a home can be an exciting step, especially for those who may be buying a home for the first time. If a prospective Tennessee buyer is planning to take this step in 2021, he or she may benefit from knowing what to expect from this process and how to avoid...
Dealing with a tenant who has alcohol abuse problems
As a landlord, you want to have someone living in your property who is trustworthy, respectful and sensible. You don't want to be in a situation where you are lying awake every night wondering whether your tenant will disturb the neighbors, damage property or be a...