Your house was the single biggest purchase you ever made. You tended it lovingly for years and you naturally want to pass it on to your children when you pass away. Such an important transfer of assets must be handled carefully. Here are some of the things you may...
A residential disclosure form is essential for buyers
When you’re buying a home, something that you want to see is a residential disclosure form. This form should tell you all kinds of information about possible defects in the home. On a residential disclosure form, the seller should be informing you about any defects...
Young parents need to set an estate plan
Many young adults assume that they have ample time to set up an estate plan, but this might not be the case if they have children. It is imperative for parents to have plans in place for the children just in case something happens to them. There are several points to...
Tips with having an estate sale
Someone you loved has died, and now you’re tasked with selling off their personal items. This can be an overwhelming process, but one that can be done with grace. Here are a few tips in successfully undertaking this task. Keep what you’d like Immediate family should...